A desire to help and to set a good example for her kids are two of the reasons that Jenifer Gilliam is an involved parent in her children’s athletic endeavors.
“I think it’s important to show my kids that what they’re involved in is important to me and to show all of the kids that the parents are interested in them,” said Gilliam who is the Muskogee Mom of the Month. “It also helps take some of the weight off the coaches and I get satisfaction out of knowing that I’m helping and putting the program and other people first.”
Gilliam helped organize the concessions stand for the Rougher baseball team where she has two sons that play. Rock is in the ninth grade and Owen is in eighth grade and plays on the junior high team. The boys also run cross country in the fall and Gilliam acknowledges the importance of sports in a child’s life.
“Early in sports it’s important for them to get stronger and gain confidence and as they progress, they learn discipline and teamwork and how to interact with authority figures other than their parents and teachers. For teenagers, sports help keep them busy and cuts down on screen time.”
Muskogee is a community that is just the right size according to Jenifer.
“I like living in a rural community that’s small but at the same time large enough that you’re always meeting new people. When the kids were little, we did story time at the library and got involved in youth sports and all along the way we get to meet new parents and make new friends.”
Besides the two boys there are also two Gilliam girls; Audrey who was in band and will graduate from Northeastern State this spring and Kate who is in choir and is a sophomore at Muskogee High. There was also the addition of two bloodhounds, Montie and Mabel, the first animals to be part of the Gilliam household and who Jenifer, her husband Wes and the kids all enjoy caring for.
In her spare time, Gilliam says she enjoys baking and cooking and taking family trips to Stillwater to watch Cowboy baseball or Cowgirl basketball.