Amidst the echoes of bouncing basketballs and the fervor of the game, Brycen Smith, a student at Tahlequah High School, emerges as a testament to the impact of coaches, teammates and educators on one’s journey in the realm of hoops.
Reflecting on his basketball journey, Brycen singles out Coach Keys from Woodall as his favorite mentor.
“He taught me all the fundamentals I know now and how to be coachable,” Brycen said, acknowledging the pivotal role of Coach Keys in shaping his basketball foundation.
Teammates play an indispensable role in an athlete’s journey, and for Brycen, Hayden Smith stands out: “He really just showed what it was like to be a person that came in day in and day out to put in the work.”
In the classroom, Mrs. Carnes earns the title of Brycen’s favorite teacher. “She was always there to support me and push me to be my best,” he noted, underscoring the impact of educators beyond the court.
Preparation is the cornerstone of success in any sport, and Brycen’s off-season dedication was evident: “I took this off season to get more explosive and lose a lot of weight,” highlighting a commitment to enhance both agility and endurance. Basketball’s lessons extend beyond the court for Brycen: “If you don’t put in the work, then you won’t see results.” The impact of hard work and dedication reverberates in his daily life.
Memories etched in the games played often define an athlete’s journey. Brycen’s pinnacle moment comes in the form of a game-winning shot against Collinsville, a testament to the thrill and joy of competition.
As the upcoming season looms, Brycen sets ambitious goals: “Competing every day with unwavering spirit and dedication,” encapsulating his collective aspirations with the team.
In the lineup of anticipated matchups, Collinsville holds a special place in Brycen’s expectations: “It symbolizes a chance to measure progress and showcase the team’s mettle.”
Looking beyond the final buzzer of his high school basketball career, Brycen envisions a path toward becoming a firefighter: “After high school, I plan to go to college and attend firefighting school.”