The scrappy and intense efforts of the Bulldogs lineup are fast becoming a mirror-like image of their head coach, Dante Swanson, himself a 1999 Wagoner alum and standout player on the high school and collegiate levels.
“For a group of young players, our basketball IQ is strong, and our fast-paced style of play allows us to compete even though we’re not that big,” said Swanson who begins his second season as the head coach.
One full-time and two part-time starters return including last year’s top scorer Corbin Marsey (5-10, G, Sr.), a four-year varsity performer along with JaShawn Davison (5-8, G, So.) and Dante Swanson Jr. (5-9, G, So.).
“Those three give us a chance to be in every game. “Corbin is our leading scorer and the only senior on the team. His leadership and hard work are invaluable,” said the Wagoner coach. JaShawn is a gym rat who hit 35-percent of his three-point attempts and Dante Jr. has the stamina to stay on the floor and step in wherever needed.”
Eedrick Johnson (5-8, G, So.) and Matson Swanson (5-10, PG, So.) will add to the rotation of talent and physicality of playing against taller opponents.
Other players that Swanson will rely upon for depth including Shaun Atkins (5-10, G/F, So.), Jeffery Faulk (5-9, G, So.), Beau McFarland (5-9, F, So.), Davion McNack (5-9, F, So.), Trent Edwards (5-10, F., So.), Tres Thornton (5-10, F, So.), Alex Shieldnight (6-3, C, So.), Daquan Watson (5-11, F, Jr.), Davonte Gray (5-7, G, Jr.) and Dalen Jackson (5-8, G, So.)
“We gained a lot from last year’s learning a new system to become a more seasoned team,” said Swanson.