You could say that Fort Gibson senior Jordan Hayes is living the dream as a high school student athlete. While many athletes aspire to have a chance to play in one state tournament, Jordan Hayes has been twice. “The last time we were at state, Jordan was our starting third baseman as a freshman,” said her softball coach Joe Obregon.
She was also the goalkeeper on the Lady Tigers soccer team that won their first-ever state championship last spring. “Winning state was crazy because my older sister, Jayme, was goalie on teams that went to state three times but never won. So I kiddingly razzed her about it when we won. But she has been my inspiration and role model and it was special having her there to see it,” said Jordan.
Hayes began her athletic endeavors at the tender age of three in both softball and soccer. “I played them both and I got burned out in soccer around the sixth grade. But I stuck with it and I’m glad I did. Softball is still my priority but that winning feeling from soccer is hard to beat.”
Over the years Hayes has played catcher, third base and her favorite position, first base, as the needs of the team changed. Now as one of three seniors on the team, Hayes is having even more of an impact on the team according to her coach. “She is definitely the most vocal of our seniors,” said Obregon. “She’s like a mother hen to our 11 freshmen as she helps them learn the ropes.”
Her role as a leader differs between sports according to Hayes. “In softball, I’m more outspoken because there are fewer seniors and there’s more room to step up. In soccer, last year was my first year to start and we had some good senior leaders, but I’ll probably need to be more involved this year.”
But wait, there’s more (as the announcer says). In addition to her accomplishments on the athletic fields which also includes basketball, Jordan has a weighted GPA of 4.2, is in the National Honor Society, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and is the senior class president.
Jordan is uncertain of her college plans though she has had some discussions with Murray State, but she wants to study to become a math teacher and play softball. So how would she like to be remembered? “I’d like to be remembered as a good student who could complete AP classes while still having a full athletic career,” said Hayes.
And her coach is already thinking about that time. “She’s one of those players that when she leaves, they’ll be a noticeable missed presence,” said Obregon.
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